Dražen Karaman, CEO
M +385 (0)91 739 47 67
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I took my degree in German philology and comparative literature at the Zagreb University. Apart from my mother tongue, Croatian, I have a good command of German and English and a working knowledge of French.
Short CV
As of 2006
Self-employed web and print designer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Zagreb. Counsellor for political affairs at the Croatian Embassy in Berlin (2001–2005); First Secretary and Deputy Permanent Delegate of Croatia to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris (1995–2000).
Ministry of Culture and Education, Secretariat of the Croatian Commission for UNESCO
Editor, Croatian University Press (Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada)
Producer of social sciences programmes, Croatian Radio III
Until 1988
Freelance translator and journalist
Selected Bibliography
Thomas Mann, Indijska legenda (Indian Legend, collected short stories), Zagreb 2004
Lovro Artuković: Das Magazin (The Repository), Zagreb 2004
Karl R. Popper, Otvoreno društvo i njegovi neprijatelji, I. svezak: Platonova čarolija (The Open Society and Its Enemies, vol. I: The Spell of Plato), Zagreb 2003
Immanuel Kant, Metafizika ćudoređa (The Metaphysics of Morality), Zagreb 1999
Karl R. Popper, U potrazi za boljim svijetom (Searching for a Better World), Zagreb 1997
Richard Wisser, Filozofski putokazi (Philosophic Guides), Zagreb 1992
Marie-Elise Zovko, Heideggerovo i Plotinovo poimanje vremena (Time in the Works of Heidegger and Plotinus), Zagreb 1991
Andrew Doe, John Tobler, Vlastitim riječima: The Doors (In Their Own Words: The Doors), Zagreb 1988
Burghart Schmidt, Postmoderna – strategije zaborava (Postmodernism – Strategies of Oblivion), Zagreb 1987
With Branko Maleš: Goethe u samoposluživanju. Antologija suvremene zapadnonjemačke lirike (Goethe in the Supermarket. Anthology of Contemporary West-German Lyric Poetry), Zagreb 1986
I began designing professionally for the Web and for print in 2006. Working for numerous clients with very different needs and demands, I have learned that design does sell and that style indeed is everything.
However, I believe that what the audience really comes for is information. It is my prime objective to deliver that information in an efficient and visually pleasing way. In doing so, I preferably follow the modernist principle “less is more”.
This portfolio contains a selection of works which may give an impression of my style. If you are interested in my services, I will be glad to perform a free and non-binding analysis of your needs and propose a suitable solution.
- Web presence strategy development
- Corporate identity development
- Website design and redesign
- Flat-rate website management
- Coding of pages based on your graphic template
- Content management system (CMS) integration and management
- Web application user interface development
- Print design
- Publication design
- Packaging design
- Vehicle decoration
The websites I build have a lifetime guarantee regarding their technical structure and compatibility with the major browsers.
In other words: if any technical corrections should be required after the product has been delivered, I will make them at no cost.
Company Details
Karaman Design Ltd.
Mirogojska cesta 35
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Registered for trade and services with the Court of Commerce, Zagreb
OIB: 47201966249
MBS: 080547051
VAT no.: HR47201966249
IBAN: HR7524840081103385930